Friday 17 June 2011

improve ENG^^

Today my post will be using English..Although my english is so poor..super terrible grammar mistake..but now i want to improve..i want to learn..i dun like english i want give try to enjoy eng music..i dun like eng movie..but i want watch..Begin from now..because of my cambridge A level..because i want to go oversea to study..i want many thing!!..i want give a try to speak eng proudly..loudly..!!!..
taking a 38 picture with  my little piglet ^^..haha

since a long time din write anything in blog..because of LAZY to update..hehe^^
Now i am quite enjoy with my new AIM..i meet all my new friends..they are good and quite nice to talk..before enter inti..i scare i am alone..i scare i cannot have fren at here..but with GOD lead..everything is going on very smoothly..cannot say that is very smooth..because the most important things haven come true..hehe..start from a level lesson will be start..that will a busy life for me..many people say that a level is so difficult..hard...dun care about that..just keep on going..strive..will be a suceess..

Next tuesday will be the presentation day for my mpw..actually..i have a bit afraid..This is the 1st time i will speak eng on the stage..wearing a formal is quite exited n fear..haha..
 An unhappy thing is that...inti life make me FAT..because of my burger kg now i would like to have self control..hehe..because i dun wan be a fat fat girl..i am so short!!!cannot FAT!!!!..
Next month i am going to participate a CAMP..i dun know why i am so happy and exited with this camp..hehe..this is the 1st time i participate this type of meaningful is call^^
so this coming holiday..i have a special JOB to do..hehehe...everyone which want to donate money to poor people and show your concern to this society..please come and see me..!!..i will help your..hehe..

1 comment:

  1. hey just wanna make a amend of your post, no offence! it's excited not exited. hehe:)
