Sunday 14 August 2011

look at the future...

ohhh..about 1 jiejie gonna to leave malaysia to have her oversea study in congrat to her can continue her study in UK...and i am waiting for her graduation because i can go to UK on that time ..hehehe^^..i think that is too early to think about such thing..hahahaha...
yesterday we just went for her Pre-departure briefing by Manchester uni..It make me having a feel..but i do not know how to describe the feeling..but i hope that i also can have oversea study in future..I sincerely hope that i can leave Malaysia..hahaha....i hope i can have a 外国人as my future husband^^...opps..this show me i think too much..hehe..So the most important thing is achieve good result in hard hard hard...!!!!...Study Hard is actually is just a simple word..but why that is so HARD to do it..haizzzzz....I want to change my attitude when studying..I wanna to found a more suitable way for me to work it hard..Aza..aza..fighting..^^

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