Friday 12 August 2011

recall some momories..ready to meet my 18 years old..

It is the time for me to update my blog..but i feel like nothing to write... i feel my life is lack of some energy..I need the energy to let my life become more wonderful..I need some energy to continue my goal..where can i get the energy..when i am in secondary school..i think love will be the power to move of my friend tell me '为了一双眼睛而努力'..i am a person that will do it this way..sometime i feel that i need this love to motivate myself...A very long time din see him..although the feel is not strong enough now..but i quite miss the time with him..if can..wanna to be more closely friend again..he maybe already forget about me..nevermind.i dun care..I just dun want to forget about is a lonely friday..the raining day make me recall about him..
 I really miss the time when i was young..i was carry a powerpuff girl bag to sg with lao e..enjoyed a delicious sg laksa in hawker centre..but this laksa shop already move to other place..and i could not found it again since a long time...with the time pass..everything has change...bye my ignorant younger time..i am ready to meet my 18 years old..^^Hope i can have a memorable 18th birthday^^.....
      skip to a glorious way of life..that is live in  the way we want!!!..

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