Tuesday 12 January 2016


A night before what I wanted to do in a long time before. Although this is not the 1st desire that a place in my list. But , however, in the end by God grace I pick this with some reason. I am clear for the reason I pick this place. Asia country suppose should not be but reason

1st budget I am thinking if I pick Europe country I should for travel after that but I am worried bcoz I don want to spend so much money. And probably I can go for this places while study for my master

2nd why not USA bcoz at the 1st I am wondering I want to go this place for working holiday even-though the current stage that might be hard as skill working is really a hard job for me, I have no idea wether I can deal with it or not.

3rd Africa and India are the place back to my intention for the program, some safety and worried have make me give up on it. I sincerely hope in future I can go for this 3rd world country I really really hope so. The reason I want to join program is vonleteer , to experience life changing, to know how much blessing in my life , to see thing diff , to appreciated what I have many. 我想人终是要有一次经历艰难的生活才会知道自己是多么幸福。 有时候在想、我们终是埋怨马来西亚有多不好 , 回去赚不到钱、想一想其实和第三世界比起来 我们已经是多么的幸福。 虽然这也没办法改变我想追求的生活、但享受不是生活的唯一、我想该有很多经验、理念、想法是值得被追求的。

4th reason I think the letter from 2010 to 2015. I wrote some places I want to go. No doubt I have no idea Korea is the one i wrote for. So this end up my decision to pick Korea. Even though I know many ppl will think yes, u are going for fun, but sincerely my 1st intention is not、maybe currently Yes or. I hope this will be a good experience for me. So far in the mean time I got some regretness.
The reason I write this down as I don want to forget the reason I pick Korea for Aiesec program.
不知道以后会怎样 迷茫的现阶段 我想就好好祷告先把 以后真的不知道会怎样 不要忘记梦想和初衷就够了 加油 努力 ✌🏼️😄

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